Saturday 15 March 2014

Oh sooooooo good smoothie! (or my Saturday morning's leftovers delight..)

Today I'm going to my first ever health conference and I'm so excited about it! Having said that, I woke up to find I didn't have much to have breakfast with... So  looked in my kitchen to see what was left around and this insanely delicious smoothie was born!  I'm sipping as I write this post, it's so good I might jump late in the shower just to give you this recipe, perfect for this Saturday morning. Or any awesome morning really!
It's full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibre on top of being so delicious.The chia seeds in it, make it velvety and creamy and no need for honey or agave as the dates will add the perfect amount of sweetness :) I added the powder of a probiotic capsule to give some extra love to my tummy and keep it healthy and happy.

Have a wonderful day everybody!

1 medium ripe banana
1 cup frozen mixed berries
1 1/2 medjool dates soaked for 3 minutes in hot water
1/4 cup oats
1tbsp chia seeds
1 probiotic capsule (optional)
1 cup brown rice milk
1tbsp water
pumpkin seeds (optional topping)

Add fruits and milk to blender and whiz for a minute. Add the rest of the ingredients and whiz of 1 more minute. Yes, it's that difficult.. Pour in your favourite glass and top with pumpkin seeds. Enjoy!xxx

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